Project Coordinator

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Are you interested in working with and for refugees and displacement affected communities? Are you eager to develop new innovative approaches to more effectively respond to displacement crises? Then we have an offer you should know about.

Who We Are

[xxxxx] (DRC) is an international humanitarian organization with operations in 40 countries dedicated to assisting, protecting, and finding solutions for refugees, internally displaced and other conflict-affected communities. To meet the needs of the people we serve, we are exploring new, innovative ways of responding to displacement crises.

For the past years, DRC has increasingly engaged in anticipatory action responses related to both climate hazards and conflict-induced displacement. We have developed innovative tools to forecast displacement from hazards to enable humanitarian actors to get ahead of crises. We have implemented several projects in response to drought, floods and conflict-induced displacement in both East Africa and West Africa and are now expanding and scaling up this work to additional countries and regions.

About the Job

The [xxxxx] is looking for a highly qualified Project Coordinator to lead the global Anticipatory Humanitarian Action for Displacement (AHEAD) project. This four-year project, funded by the Dutch MFA will develop anticipatory action (AA) data models and approaches using local and global data for local-level analysis to help inform humanitarian actors’ decisions when deploying humanitarian assistance and to enable timelier, more dignified, efficient and sustainable assistance.

The Project Coordinator will assume overall responsibility for the project, manage both the project’s programme and support staff, co-chair the project’s Steering Committee, act as the primary focal point with the Dutch MFA and contribute significantly to external engagements and advocacy.

Leadership and Coordination

  • Contribute to recruitments and provide technical line supervision of project staff in line with DRC HR policies.
  • Assume overall responsibility for programme and budget monitoring by leading project cycle management processes and ensuring DRC units, regions and countries contributing to the project are accountable to their respective commitments.
  • Ensure that project budget holders and finance staff prepare regular budget vs actual reports and other financial information required for effective budget management.
  • Co-chair the project’s Steering Committee, ensuring key information on the project is available to Steering Committee members and committee decisions are taken to support the effectiveness of the project.
  • Facilitate and ensure the effectiveness of other governance structures, including technical groups, advocacy groups, advisory groups and other ad-hoc working groups deemed necessary.

Compliance and Support

  • Manage and guide project finance, grants and administrative staff or assigned focal points.
  • Provide oversight to DRC units, regions and countries contributing to the project in relation to project inception, implementation, and closeout activities, including preparation of required approvals, waivers, allowances, funding, procurement, and audit file documentation.
  • Support the project finance staff or assigned focal point to ensure verification of all financial reports and expenditure, lead and coordinate auditing processes, maintain knowledge of all donor requirements and provide advice to DRC units, regions and countries contributing to the project on finance, procurement, human resource, and visibility requirements.
  • Maintain a project risk register, ensuring all risks have appropriate ownership, are monitored and mitigation and response measures are in place, and respond accordingly to risk escalation.

Program Implementation

  • In coordination with the Global Lead on Anticipatory Action, Steering Committee and technical working groups, lead the development of the project’s overall intervention strategy and Theory of Change.
  • Ensure the timely delivery of agreed outputs and quality program implementation in line with the agreed strategy.

Representation and Advocacy

  • Serve as the primary project representative to the Dutch MFA and other stakeholders.
  • Support project advocacy staff or focal points to develop a project advocacy strategy and promote the use of project-generated knowledge and learning internally and externally.
  • Provide support to the development and roll-out of a project communication strategy, including compliance with donor’s branding requirements.

Reporting & Communication

  • Establish and maintain clear lines of communication with project staff and project contributors.
  • Ensure regular, quality and compliant reporting by all relevant DRC units, regions and countries.
  • Support the project’s grants staff or focal points to ensure all relevant DRC units, regions and countries are submitting quality and timely financial and narrative reports in line with donor and DRC system requirements.

About you

To be successful in this role we expect you to have at least 7 years of experience in a similar senior coordination role overseeing complex projects, coordinating across organizational entities and engaging with external stakeholder. Although this position is focused on project management, experience with and knowledge of anticipatory action is a significant value add.


  • At least 7 years of experience in a similar senior coordination role working for a humanitarian or development organization.
  • Demonstrated experience overseeing compliance of both programme and support functions.
  • Demonstrated experience liaising with donors, leading external representation and contributing to advocacy efforts.


  • Experience designing and/or implementing anticipatory action programming.

In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies:

Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process.

Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback.

Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.

Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly.

Demonstrating integrity: You uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to our values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

We Offer

Contract Length: 4 Years. The position is temporary due to the funding of the project.

Band: F (senior)

Duty Station: Copenhagen, Denmark

Start Date: As soon as possible

Salary and conditions will be in accordance with the agreement between DRC and AC. The position is

on senior level. This is a national position in Denmark for which local terms and conditions apply.

For questions regarding the vacancy please contact Patrick Phillips, Head of Programme Quality and Integration, [xxxxx] Application process

All applicants must upload a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages) in English. Applications sent by email will not be considered.

Closing date for applications: 1 July 2024. Screening will take place on a rolling basis.

For further information about the [xxxxx], please consult our website

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Projektleder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 18.6.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • 18.06.2024
  • Projektleder
  • København

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