Community Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Specialist

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We are looking for a technical advisor with a strong track-record in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programmes to join our international team in Copenhagen at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (IFRC PS Centre).

As our new mental health and psychosocial support advisor, you will further develop the PS Centre’s community mental healthcare portfolio of work. You will set-up an ambitious initiative to equip Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers to support fellow community members with mental health needs. The initiative involves close collaboration with IFRC PS Centre staff, National Societies, and stakeholders in the global MHPSS community.

The position is based in Copenhagen, Denmark but frequent travel is expected.


  • Lead an ambitious process to help the Red Cross Red Crescent network to operationalise community mental health care services.
  • Develop packages of tools, intervention approaches and training/ capacity-building curriculums to guide National Societies on how they can provide community mental health care services in accordance with their mandate and auxiliary role.
  • Support project development and implementation with regards to Mental health aspects.
  • Follow the implementation of community mental health care services within National Societies and accompany/ mentor NS’s were applicable.
  • Take part in the strategic planning processes to drive this portfolio of work forwards within the Red Cross Red Crescent network.
  • Engage with stakeholders from the global MHPSS and community-based health and social care networks.

Experience and skills

  • Relevant educational background in mental health and/or psychology, preferably clinical psychology
  • Minimum 8 (eight) years of relevant work experience in the field of mental health and psychosocial support and in different contexts such as humanitarian contexts, disaster management, recovery, public healthcare, and social welfare situations. Preferable experience working in, or with, the Red Cross Red Crescent network.
  • Demonstrated experience in planning, supervising and implementing community mental health and psychosocial support programmes.
  • Deep understanding and knowledge of (scalable) psychological interventions and other mental healthcare activities and services provided by community volunteers.
  • Practical experience in training and/or facilitation of groups, including online facilitation, and strong participatory facilitation skills.
  • Excellent writing skills and demonstrated skills and experience in developing training curriculums and manuals for Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies.
  • Well-versed and strong experience with monitoring and evaluation for community MHPSS programmes and approaches.
  • Ability to communicate clearly, concisely, and persuasively, in higher level fora, including the ability to advocate for and explain complex mental health and psychosocial issues in non-technical ways.
  • Contribute to proposal development and writing.
  • Advanced knowledge of written English is required; knowledge of spoken Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese or Russian is an added advantage.
  • Strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office package. Experience with other digital tools such as MIRO and MURAL boards and online platforms such as Zoom and MS Teams are an advantage.

Personal Profile

  • A structured, and yet flexible, independent and proactive approach to tasks.
  • Experience in working within multi-cultural and diverse environments.
  • Prepared to contribute to a positive working environment.
  • Positive approach to and ability to take on regular travels to support National Societies.
  • Excellent communication, coordination as well as networking and facilitation skills.
  • Ability to meet deadlines, multi-task, and work well in a fast-paced environment.
  • Strong team-player skills and ability to work independently.
  • Excellent writing skills and ability to communicate precisely and persuasively in writing.

About the PS Centre
The IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (IFRC PS Centre) works under the framework of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) and supports National Societies in promoting and enabling the mental health and psychosocial well-being of beneficiaries, staff and volunteers. The IFRC PS Centre is hosted by Danish Red Cross.

We have an international team of 18 full time staff with complementary technical, strategic and managerial functions. Our day-to-day work is challenging and busy but injected with humour and a positive spirit. We achieve most of our goals by working closely together in small teams, and we value our collaborative working environment highly. For more information please see Who We Are and What We Do sections of our website.

Employment conditions
Danish Red Cross is the legal employer and the duty station is Copenhagen. The assignment is to commence 1 September 2022 or as soon as possible. The position is classified between DKK 43.900 and 48.200 per month incl. pension, according to qualifications and experience, as per the Danish Red Cross collective agreement (AC overenskomst). The position includes frequent travel.

Deadline for application submission: Monday 11 July 2022, 23:59 CEST.
Please submit your CV and a motivated application in English.

Interviews are planned for 11-12 July 2022.

For further information about the position please contact Sarah Harrison: [email protected]

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Psykolog", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 20.6.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Psykolog
  • København
  • Mandag den 11. juli 2022

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