IT Auditor who thrive on professionalism and fellowship

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If you are interested in financial sector IT systems and have a desire to learn more.

Meet Anna, Toke, Iza and Brian – the gurus of SDC’s IT Auditor team. Both internally and externally they are the ones you reach out to, if you have questions related to technological infrastructure ensuring processes and systems running accurately and efficiently, while remaining secure and meeting compliance regulations. Their combination of solid knowledge and experience combined with a never-ending curiosity for what’s new, make them an inspiring team to be around. With exiting tasks ahead of us, we look forward to welcoming yet another IT Auditor to this team.

An IT development environment beyond the usual

As Datacenter for 100+ Scandinavian banks we are truly a modern IT company. Development never stand still; nor does our platforms. We are committed to being at the forefront of development. Our system functionality, design and optimization are always Best-in-Class and we the most future-proof IT platform in the Nordic countries. This is the setting you enter.

You will perform audits of general controls and application controls both internally in SDC and in collaboration with our customers. In the internal system audit, we conduct audits for SDC and SDC's subsidiaries as well as for the IT-based user systems that we make available to the affiliated banks.

This is an opportunity to build in-depth knowledge of our systems and processes and to help shape our development.

Great Place to Work

Our work environment is characterized by openness, commitment, delegated responsibility, and team work as well as excellent professional and personal development opportunities.

We emphasize that you are continuously certified and always up to date with what is happening in the field of IT auditing.

You get flexible working conditions, pension scheme and health & dental insurance. You also get a 6th holiday week, 5 extra days off, increased holiday compensation, etc.

Business acumen and Broad audit experience across various areas of IT

We are looking for a candidate with a strong background in IT security and a solid technical foundation. You have previously worked as an IT auditor, IT security specialist, software developer or similar. Auditor experience incl CISA certifications is an advantage, but no a prerequisite. But hopefully you can tick of hands-on experience with the following:

  • IT and Cyber Security
  • Application audits
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Declaration of General IT Controls - ISAE 3402

Your personality and what drive you

Being a savvy IT auditor is more than just certifications. Your attitude counts and you possess sound judgment, business risk awareness, and an inquisitive personality; the ability to think critically and critic event and outcome professionally. You know how to research and gather information from both business and IT functions and have the required problem-solving skills to resolve issues promptly as they occur.

You like to work collaboratively and cooperatively with all employees irrespective of their status in the organization

You have Danish and/or another Scandinavian as native language and advanced skills in English, writing and speech.

Application and contact information

Should you wish to know more about the position or SDC, you are welcome to contact Brian Skovbo Hansen on his mobile: 51 48 16 22 or [email protected].

You are welcome to send us a motivated application – BUT we are equally happy to receive only your CV. The recruitment dialogue is important to us and we’ll talk about your motivation for the job at the job interview.

About SDC

It all started back in 1963, when a series of small savings banks went hand in hand with a dream of economies of scale and electronic bookkeeping. That dream still drives us. Today, we are 100+ both small and large banks from all over the Nordic region, who are part of the community, because shared solutions make us stronger.

We are over 700 colleagues in Ballerup and Warsaw, who work together every day to deliver a good banking experience to the users of 100+ Scandinavian banks. Many of our solutions are developed jointly for all customers - some for a small group. Common to them is that we want to maximize the customers’ benefit from the solutions and minimize the risk of not meeting the customers' needs.

The future demands more of SDC. The banks are working to adapt to the needs of the market, at the same time they are being met with increasing demands for regulation and efficiency. SDC works hard to be at the forefront of the customers’ needs and continue to be the preferred provider of solutions to Scandinavian banks.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Regnskabsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Ballerup.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 18.11.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Regnskabsmedarbejder
  • Ballerup
  • Søndag den 05. december 2021

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