Business Controller in global and market leading Hearing Healthcare company

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Business Controller in global and market leading Hearing Healthcare company

Together with the team in Business Controlling and the commercial organization of Demant, we offer you an exciting opportunity to participate in driving the financial performance in a global and growth oriented C25 Hearing Healthcare company.

If you want to make an impact on bringing Demant Finance to the next level, then read on and apply!

The setup
As one of our Business Controllers in the business area Hearing Aids, has moved on to a new position in Demant, we now have the opportunity to offer an exciting position in Demant Group Business Controlling.

You will work in Group Business Controlling, which is part of Demant Group Finance and consists of Business Controllers and Finance Partners based at our headquarters in Smørum, as well as colleagues based in Szczecin, Poland.

Our responsibilities include providing financial performance analysis and reporting to Group management and the Business area management teams. By working closely with the business, we focus on being a value adding team who can both support and challenge the business decisions.

Furthermore, it is our responsibility to drive and continuously improve the yearly group financial planning process. We work closely with Demant’s commercial management teams on financial performance management.

Your role
As Business Controller in Demant, you will work in a Group Finance function with very competent finance colleagues to be supported by and learn from. At the same time, you will work closely with the business and thus have the opportunity to improve your competencies within finance and business finance in a global C25 company, close to top management.

Your key stakeholders will be the International Sales Management team, which manage most sales companies within Demant Hearing Aids. Within this exciting business area, your primary focus will be responsibility for financial performance management for Hearing Aid Export where sales are performed through distributors worldwide.

You will have a direct impact on the financial performance through recommendations and close cooperation with both the commercial business management and the various finance areas. You are expected to support, help and challenge the business management from a business finance perspective.

It is important to understand the business behind the financials, and it is, therefore, a part of the role to have a focus on building relationships towards Regional Sales Directors and the General Manager for overall Demant Hearing Aid Export.

You will:

  • Act as a finance partner towards the Management of Demant Hearing Aid Export, taking responsibility for financial performance management.
  • Challenge and support Management through precise analysis on financial topics and in-depth business understanding
  • Perform business controlling of unit and financial reporting from the hearing aid brands Oticon, Bernafon, Sonic and Philips on Export business and provide support to ensure high quality reporting
  • Perform cost controlling for central cost centers in Switzerland and Denmark where the Export teams are based.
  • Prepare and distribute monthly reports for Demant Hearing Aid Export
  • Prepare financial results to management (Export Coordination Group)
  • Deliver ad hoc analysis in close cooperation with various global stakeholders
  • Drive the planning and budget process for Demant Hearing Aid Export, as well as participate in the Group’s budget process in general
  • Participate in performance review meetings, budget meetings, etc.
  • Participate in projects within Demant Hearing Aid Export as well as cross-functional

You should expect and be willing to travel as we operate globally. There will be an estimated travel of 5 - 15 days per year.

Experience and qualifications
The ideal candidate has a master’s degree in finance, economics or similar and a minimum of 2-5 years of experience in a similar position in an international group. It is an advantage to have experience within the healthcare sector and/or export business through distributor setup.

You are not afraid of utilizing your financial as well as analytical capabilities and you are used to managing complex situations. Your mindset is on continuous improvement. You have excellent skills in Excel and PowerPoint and you are fluent in both written and verbal English.

To be a success in this role, you thrive on the interaction with the business and actively seek to get involved.

In general, expectations are high. The environment is complex and therefore it is important that you excel and get energized by these surroundings. As we are an organization in continuous growth and development, the right candidate will have the opportunity to grow further in the company both in role and in scope over time.

Want to join our team?
Then please send your CV and a motivated application no later than July 31st, 2021. We will be interviewing in August.

If you would like to know more about the position, you are very welcome to contact Steen Rosenkvist Vice President, Business Controlling on [email protected] or Senior Finance business partner, International Sales, Thomas Castenschiold on [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you.

About Demant

Demant is a world-leading hearing healthcare group that offers solutions and services to help people with hearing loss connect and communicate with the world around them. For more than a century, the Demant Group has played a vital part in developing innovative technologies and know-how to help improve people’s hearing and health. In every aspect, from hearing devices, hearing implants and diagnostic equipment to hearing care all over the world, Demant is active and engaged. A growing business in intelligent audio solutions for gaming and office communication is also a significant part of the Group.

The Demant Group operates in a global market with companies in more than 30 countries, employs more than 15,000 staff and generates annual revenue of DKK 15 billion. Our products are sold in more than 130 countries where we create life-changing differences through hearing health.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Regnskabsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

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Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 18.6.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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