Center of Excellence Manager, PowerBI, Robotics and Chatbot

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Do you thrive in the space between people, process, and technology? And do you have previous experience from managing a center of excellence?

This is a unique opportunity to join a new department within Power BI, Robotics and Chatbot in a vibrant and growing international software company.

Our aim is to build best-in-class digital practices, technology, and tools; and help business owners apply these tools and technologies in a pragmatic manner to fuel business success. You will play a pivotal role in managing and governing the platform that will modernize processes, solve business challenges, and automate repetitive tasks. To ensure, we can continue to provide the high-quality service to support the growth, the platform will play a significant role in leveraging data and analytics to measure the success of our strategy.

In Milestone, 20+ years of continued growth has made us one of the leading providers of IP Video Management Systems, globally. You can look forward to a key responsibility and major freedom to choose the right solutions and technologies, together with your team. And just as important. You will be part of a fantastic workplace where “people first” is not just an empty catch phrase. It’s part of the company DNA.

The team
Data and analytics is at the core of our ambitious digital strategy and for that reason we are launching the new department Business Performance.
You will take part in building a team of technological and process savvy professionals whose mission is to create transparency across the business units. You will have two fulltime direct reports and two students working parttime.

We pride ourselves on giving our teams plenty of opportunities to make their mark and you will have all the support needed to excel in this role, but the buck will stop with you in terms of ensuring success.

The department will have material interaction/partnership with key stakeholders in the organization on all levels relating to strategy execution and business matters.
It goes without saying that you will have a tremendous influence on how we create the future for this new department.

The role and responsibilities
- Build the newly established Center of Excellence for PowerBI, Robotics (Uipath) and Chat bot (Boost AI)
- Take lead in developing policies, frameworks and implementing platform governance
- Define and own definitions of KPIs and key data
- Enable Citizen Developers to utilize Power BI for creating the needed reports by facilitating training, knowledge sharing and enforcing the governance.
- Build and maintain a report vault and facilitate best practice sharing
- Review and authorize reports in relation to compliance and documentation
- Act as a change agent to facilitate the adoption and utilization across functions and regions
- Engage with IT in discussions on data warehouse development, central data sources and the Master Data Architect to capture and validate the data flow in Milestone

You will refer to our VP of Business performance, and your new workplace will be the Milestone HQ in Brøndby, Copenhagen. You can look forward to 14 global travelling days per year (in non-Corona times).

Your profile
You hold a MSc/MBA in a field related to Platform Management, e.g., Business Administration, IT or similar.

Furthermore, you have:
• Have worked in a similar role with some leadership responsibilities for a smaller team, where you have used your knowledge of how to work with business insights to create a community across an organization
• Have experience in guiding the transition from something created for personal or team use to use across an enterprise, including the needs for governance, documentation, and continuous operations
• Can work in cross-functional teams and are able to bridge the gap between IT and business units
• Have an agile mindset and believe that the best results are often a team effort
• Are great at organizing and have a structured approach to plan and document your work
• Are good a communicating with business partners at all levels of the organization and regions
• Have a good sense of humor and enjoy being a part of vibrant work environment with great colleagues from different cultures
• Fluent proficiency in spoken and written English. Danish is not a must

Application and contact
If you want to take on this exciting challenge and be a part of our fast-growing technology company, apply now by submitting your application in English. Interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis.
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Martin Tronier at +45 88 30 03 00.
Please note that the position is on-site at our headquarters in Brøndby, Denmark, and requires that you have a valid Danish work visa.
You can also find out more about Milestone Systems at Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter or visit our website:

About Milestone
When joining Milestone, you will be part of the world’s leading provider of IP Video Management Systems in and beyond security. Since our start in Denmark in 1998 we have grown to be nearly 1.000 employees across development centers and regional offices in more than 25 countries. Today, our solutions are used in 500,000+ installations worldwide – with many more to come.
We believe that our success first and foremost is based on our sworn dedication to put people first – the people we work with and the people around us. It's how we grow our culture, our business, and our community. We want to blaze new trails, stay curious and push the industry standard. Investing in people is how we do it. Because at Milestone, we grow together!

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Regnskabsmedarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Økonomi og jura".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 13.9.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Regnskabsmedarbejder
  • København
  • Fredag den 29. oktober 2021

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