Jackson søger stilling som byggeleder, afdelingsleder, landbrug, kvalitetskoordinator, salgschef, produktionschef eller kvalitetschef i Hele Danmark

o	Resource Mobilization & Fundraising: Extensive experience in developing project concept notes, ...
o Resource Mobilization & Fundraising: Extensive experience in developing project concept notes, technical and financial proposals, and securing funding from major donors including the Kellogg Foundation, GIZ, World Bank, African Development Bank, ECHO, EC, OFDA, USAID, Irish Aid, Canadian DFATD, WFP, and UNICEF. Skilled in budget planning, management, and variance analysis.
o Partnership Development: Proven ability to build and maintain strategic partnerships with government entities, NGOs, private sector, and international development agencies. Expertise in donor relationship management and contractual compliance.
o Program Management: Expertise in the full project lifecycle, including design, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation (MEAL). Demonstrated success in adaptive management and ensuring projects meet performance targets.
o Innovative Financing: Experience in identifying and implementing creative financing structures to support development initiatives. A focus on sustainable development models that extend benefits beyond the immediate project scope.
o Leadership & Team Management: Effective leadership skills with proven success in managing senior program and administrative staff, building strategic partnerships, and leading multi-cultural teams at the country and sub-regional level.
o Strategic Planning & Execution: Expertise in developing and implementing strategic plans to achieve organizational goals. Experience in new business development and aligning programs with donor trends and national priorities.
o Communication & Reporting: Strong communication and presentation skills. Adept at developing compelling materials and reports for diverse audiences, including donors and stakeholders.
o Technical Skills: Proficient in MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Project) and internet-based applications

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