Gadine søger stilling som rengøringsassistent, køkkenmedarbejder eller hotelmedarbejder i Århus

I would like to work in offices, kindergarten,restaurants.
I would like to work in offices, kindergarten,restaurants.

1.I have experience of 2 years as a bookkeeper in a school in Drc Congo.
2. I have got also expérience of 3 years as a teacher assistant in a primary school in Swaziland.
3. I have also some months experience in a restaurant while I was studying catering last year.
4. I have got experience as a sale person , as I was owning a clothing shop in Swaziland.
5. I have good skill as a cooker( I have a big passion in cooking,I love doing that and it’s what I do everyday), a cleaner ( I am a person who doesn’t tolerate dirty), I can drive well.

Få kontaktinfo til jobsøgeren

Få hurtig hjælp til at komme i kontakt med denne jobsøger via tlf: 25238701 eller mail: [email protected].