AX Solution Arkitekt

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We are looking for an AX Solution Architect with a strong technical background. The right candidate will help ensure that our ERP solution is aligned with our future business strategy, work closely with business stakeholders, and optimize performance. Our new colleague should also have a solid understanding of business processes and the ability to relate them to system functionality. The role will require up-to-date and in-depth experience with implementation and configuration of ERP solutions, preferably Axapta2012.

The journey:

Wrist Ship Supply is on a digital journey. We are currently in the early stages of the ERP selection process. This is a very exciting time, but also a process that demands expertise and knowledge, both in our current ERP system, AX2012, and in the one we choose for the future. The complexity of our current system is significant, and the demand for new business solutions is high. The transition will not happen overnight, which is why we need you, to be a part of our AX2012 team and ensure that we continue to evolve and optimize our business.

Reporting to the Head of ERP Services, you will become part of our AX ERP team located at our headquarters in Nørresundby.

You will be part of our team focusing on AX2012. In this team, you will take the lead and take charge of the daily operations. That means, you will have a pivotal role for the team, as both the solution architect, and the one setting the direction for the team.

Key responsibility:

Solution Architecture:

  • Design and develop architecture solutions for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to meet business requirements while ensuring integration with existing systems.
  • Create and maintain architectural documentation, including system diagrams and technical specifications.

Implementation Management:

  • Lead the implementation of AX2012 solutions, ensuring adherence to best practices and methodologies.
  • Oversee the customization and configuration of AX2012 modules

Integration and Data Migration:

  • Design integration solutions with other applications and systems to enhance business processes.

Support and Optimization:

  • Provide ongoing support and troubleshooting for AX2012 applications, addressing technical and functional issues as they arise.
  • Monitor system performance and make recommendations for tuning and optimization.

Training and Mentorship:

  • Deliver training sessions for users and technical staff on AX2012 functionalities and best practices and share knowledge about AX2012 features and capabilities.

Qualifications Requirements:

As our new Solution Architect, you’ll need a combination of technical expertise and strong interpersonal skills to design, articulate, and manage effective solutions. You will serve as both a sparring partner and a bridge, contributing your knowledge and actionable insights in a solution-oriented and responsible manner. Gaining a clear understanding of the internal landscape, you’ll ensure that the right stakeholders are involved at the right times.

Success in this role requires excellent communication skills, allowing you to convey messages clearly and effectively. Whether collaborating with specialists or suppliers on technical details, or preparing decision proposals for management, your ability to tailor communication to your audience will be key.

Additionally, you have the ambition to be the informal leader of a small team. You are eager to optimize workflows, set priorities, and lead by example.

We imagine you hold a master’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, or Software Engineering, along with at least 10 years of experience working with ERP systems.

We offer more than just a job

We wish to be the best at what we do, and everything we do is based on our values of “Winning Attitude, Customer Orientation, and Getting it Done”.

We offer flexible working hours and numerous employee benefits, counting a healthy canteen, take away, free fruit, and fitness facilities. Wrist supports local elite sports, offering tickets to home games. You can expect free parking and access to Clever EV charging stations. Moreover, we have an active employee association that invites us all to play paddle, badminton, and board games etc. and to join the yearly DHL relay race.

About Wrist

Wrist is the world’s leading ship and offshore supplier of marine provisions and stores with a market share of approximately 12%. We are the only provisions and stores marine supplier with a global network of supply operations. We also offer services within owners’ goods and spare parts logistics, combining provisions and stores deliveries directly to the vessels.

With the launch of the digital marketplace, Source2Sea, Wrist is leading the digital transformation of the marine supply industry. All year round, we offer 24/7 global online sourcing and logistics, providing data transparency, automation, and convenience to our customers.

We continuously work on reducing our climate impact while at the same time proactively addressing our customers’ growing demand and need for responsible solutions and services.

From more than 30 locations worldwide, in all major shipping locations, 1,800 Wrist employees take pride in making it easy for our customers to order and receive marine supplies and services.

Kilde: [xxxxx]

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Softwareudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Aalborg

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 1.10.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Softwareudvikler
  • Aalborg
  • Tirsdag den 26. november 2024

Lignende jobs

Statistik over udbudte jobs som softwareudviklere i Aalborg

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte softwareudvikler i Aalborg over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal softwareudviklere i Aalborg.

Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte softwareudviklere i Aalborg over tid

Dato Alle jobs som softwareudviklere
21. december 2024 49
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6. december 2024 53
5. december 2024 53
4. december 2024 53
3. december 2024 51
2. december 2024 51
1. december 2024 47
30. november 2024 48
29. november 2024 48
28. november 2024 48
27. november 2024 49
26. november 2024 49
25. november 2024 50
24. november 2024 46
23. november 2024 46
22. november 2024 47
21. november 2024 46

Værd at vide når du søger job som softwareudvikler i Aalborg

Drømmer du om at bo og arbejde i en pulserende by med charme og historie? Så kigger du måske mod Aalborg, også kendt som "Nordens Paris". Med et blomstrende erhvervsliv, en levende kulturscene og en fantastisk beliggenhed ved Limfjorden, er Aalborg et attraktivt sted for jobjagten.

Aalborgs erhvervsliv byder på en spændende blanding af tradition og innovation, hvilket afspejles i de største beskæftigelsessektorer. Mens byens maritime historie stadig spiller en vigtig rolle, er der sket en markant udvikling inden for andre områder. Lad os tage et kig på de største arbejdspladser i "Nordens Paris":

Aalborg byder på en række smarte transportløsninger, der gør det nemt og bekvemt at komme rundt i byen og omegnen, uanset om du er til bus, tog, cykel, bil eller alternative former for mobilitet.

At flytte til et nyt sted på grund af et job kræver forberedelse, og Aalborg er ingen undtagelse.

Bydele i Aalborg 

Aalborg består af en række unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Din boligvalg kan i den grad påvirke din jobjagt, så lad os dykke ned i de forskellige bydele og se, hvordan de kan understøtte dine karrieredrømme:

Centrum: Aalborgs pulserende hjerte med butikker, caféer, restauranter og kulturinstitutioner. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for service, handel, finans og administration. Boligpriserne er højere, men netværksmulighederne er mange.

Øgadekvarteret: Et kreativt og trendy område med små butikker, barer og spillesteder. Tiltrækker unge, kreative erhverv og iværksættere. Lejlighederne er ofte mindre, men stemningen er energisk.

Vestbyen: Boligkvarter med god plads til familier og pendlerafstand til erhvervsområderne i Nørresundby. Her finder du virksomheder inden for industri, logistik og transport. Roligt miljø med gode grønne områder.

Østerbro: Et hyggeligt og historisk kvarter med smukke villaer og lejligheder. Her bor mange akademikere og ansatte på Aalborg Universitet. God balance mellem byliv og ro.

Nørresundby: Aalborgs industrielle nabo med store virksomheder inden for energi, teknologi og vindmølleproduktion. Lavere boligpriser end Aalborg centrum, men god infrastruktur.

Sydbyen: Et upcoming område med renoverede industrilokaler og nye boligbyggerier. Tiltrækker innovative virksomheder og kreative iværksættere. Flot udsigt mod Limfjorden og god adgang til motorvej.

Mere information om Aalborg 

Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Aalborg, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Aalborg, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Aalborg i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Aalborg: "Nordens Paris" venter på dig!