Software Engineering Internship, Software Products – fall 2024
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Praktik - Århus
Job Description
Would you like to challenge your software knowledge in a global company, to exchange ideas with skilled colleagues and work with cloud-native technologies? We are looking for interns to join our Software Products Department in BEUMER Group to help develop software solutions for airport and logistics customers around the world.One team
In Software Products we develop generic software products with a continuous focus on scalability, maintainability, quality and user value. As a software intern in Software Solutions, you will be part of a cross-functional team where you will be responsible for the entire software development lifecycle together with your team members. Your tasks could be:Work with Unity to deliver a 3D visualization of live baggage handling systems.Support in bringing CI/CD concepts to life with automated tests for front-end and back-endCreate standard platform services such as logging, communication, etc. ( Platform as a Product )Build microservices for our new baggage handling softwareWork with Front-end development in Angular and HTML5Work with Back-end development in C# . NET 5+ and gRPCDeep dive into cloud-native tools, such as GitLab, Docker, RabbitMQ, and Kubernetes.The best thing about my internship in BEUMER Group were the challenges which reminded a lot of the ones the full-time employees worked with. BEUMER still respects the fact that you are a student and therefore creates an environment where you can listen, learn and dig deeper in your assignments. – Jacob, Software System Engineer (intern of 2019)
Gain valuable experience in an open, motivating and software specialist environment.
You will be part of the team on equal terms with the rest of your colleagues and as such be involved in the development process.You will be assigned a dedicated mentor who will ensure you have the support and tools and knowledge you need to get started, and who will be there to support you throughout the internship.You will also have the opportunity to spend time with our interns from across the business, sharing your knowledge, experience and social event. Interested?
If you are currently studying Software Engineering and are ready to start your internship in August 2024 - then get in touch with us.The internship is paid and lasts appr. 5 months - the exact period will be agreed with your manager. And if both parties agree, it is possible to continue as student worker after the internship.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Senior Manager - Software Products Torben Godsk at +45 31 75 46 94 or Talent Acquisition Specialist, Søren Vestergaard Holm, at +45 31 76 04 48.Please apply online via the link as soon as possible, and no later than 10th of November. We will interview candidates on an ongoing basis and may hire candidates before the application deadline.
Would you like to challenge your software knowledge in a global company, to exchange ideas with skilled colleagues and work with cloud-native technologies? We are looking for interns to join our Software Products Department in BEUMER Group to help develop software solutions for airport and logistics customers around the world.
Would you like to challenge your software knowledge in a global company, to exchange ideas with skilled colleagues and work with cloud-native technologies? We are looking for interns to join our Software Products Department in BEUMER Group to help develop software solutions for airport and logistics customers around the world.
One team
In Software Products we develop generic software products with a continuous focus on scalability, maintainability, quality and user value. As a software intern in Software Solutions, you will be part of a cross-functional team where you will be responsible for the entire software development lifecycle together with your team members. Your tasks could be:
One team
Work with Unity to deliver a 3D visualization of live baggage handling systems.Support in bringing CI/CD concepts to life with automated tests for front-end and back-endCreate standard platform services such as logging, communication, etc. ( Platform as a Product )Build microservices for our new baggage handling softwareWork with Front-end development in Angular and HTML5Work with Back-end development in C# . NET 5+ and gRPCDeep dive into cloud-native tools, such as GitLab, Docker, RabbitMQ, and Kubernetes.
Work with Unity to deliver a 3D visualization of live baggage handling systems.
Support in bringing CI/CD concepts to life with automated tests for front-end and back-end
Create standard platform services such as logging, communication, etc. ( Platform as a Product )
Build microservices for our new baggage handling software
Work with Front-end development in Angular and HTML5
Work with Back-end development in C# . NET 5+ and gRPC
Deep dive into cloud-native tools, such as GitLab, Docker, RabbitMQ, and Kubernetes.
The best thing about my internship in BEUMER Group were the challenges which reminded a lot of the ones the full-time employees worked with. BEUMER still respects the fact that you are a student and therefore creates an environment where you can listen, learn and dig deeper in your assignments. – Jacob, Software System Engineer (intern of 2019)
Gain valuable experience in an open, motivating and software specialist environment.
You will be part of the team on equal terms with the rest of your colleagues and as such be involved in the development process.
The best thing about my internship in BEUMER Group were the challenges which reminded a lot of the ones the full-time employees worked with. BEUMER still respects the fact that you are a student and therefore creates an environment where you can listen, learn and dig deeper in your assignments.
Gain valuable experience in an open, motivating and software specialist environment.
You will be assigned a dedicated mentor who will ensure you have the support and tools and knowledge you need to get started, and who will be there to support you throughout the internship.
You will also have the opportunity to spend time with our interns from across the business, sharing your knowledge, experience and social event.
If you are currently studying Software Engineering and are ready to start your internship in August 2024 - then get in touch with us.
The internship is paid and lasts appr. 5 months - the exact period will be agreed with your manager. And if both parties agree, it is possible to continue as student worker after the internship.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Senior Manager - Software Products Torben Godsk at +45 31 75 46 94 or Talent Acquisition Specialist, Søren Vestergaard Holm, at +45 31 76 04 48.
Please apply online via the link as soon as possible, and no later than 10th of November. We will interview candidates on an ongoing basis and may hire candidates before the application deadline.
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Softwareudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Århus
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 1.3.2024, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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Statistik over udbudte jobs som softwareudviklere i Århus
Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte softwareudvikler i Århus over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal softwareudviklere i Århus.
Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte softwareudviklere i Århus over tid
Dato | Alle jobs som softwareudviklere |
2. februar 2025 | 101 |
1. februar 2025 | 102 |
31. januar 2025 | 108 |
30. januar 2025 | 106 |
29. januar 2025 | 104 |
28. januar 2025 | 104 |
27. januar 2025 | 102 |
26. januar 2025 | 105 |
25. januar 2025 | 104 |
24. januar 2025 | 103 |
23. januar 2025 | 96 |
22. januar 2025 | 92 |
21. januar 2025 | 89 |
20. januar 2025 | 87 |
19. januar 2025 | 89 |
18. januar 2025 | 89 |
17. januar 2025 | 87 |
16. januar 2025 | 85 |
15. januar 2025 | 81 |
14. januar 2025 | 81 |
13. januar 2025 | 81 |
12. januar 2025 | 81 |
11. januar 2025 | 81 |
10. januar 2025 | 81 |
9. januar 2025 | 81 |
8. januar 2025 | 81 |
7. januar 2025 | 81 |
6. januar 2025 | 82 |
5. januar 2025 | 84 |
4. januar 2025 | 84 |
3. januar 2025 | 82 |
Værd at vide når du søger job som softwareudvikler i Århus
Aarhus summer af dynamik og diversitet, hvilket også afspejles i byens erhvervsliv. Mens servicesektoren generelt dominerer i Danmark, finder du i Århus flere prominente aktører inden for en række spændende brancher. Så hvor skal du kigge, hvis du drømmer om et spændende job i Danmarks næststørste by?
At komme rundt i Århus er både bekvemt og effektivt takket være et veludviklet netværk af offentlige transportmidler og cykelinfrastruktur. Uanset din destination og rejseplan, har du flere attraktive muligheder til rådighed:
Drømmer du om et spændende job i Smilets By? Fantastisk! Men før du pakker flyttekasserne, giver vi dig et overblik over, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, når du flytter til Århus for et job.
Bydele i Århus
Aarhus består af et væld af unikke kvarterer, hver med sin egen charme og atmosfære. Når du søger job i Smilets By, kan det derfor være fordelagtigt at undersøge de forskellige områder for at finde en god pasform mellem dine boligønsker, karrieremål og livsstil.
Indre By: Pulsende centrum med internationalt miljø. Perfekt til den ambitiøse, der drømmer om karriere inden for handel, finans, kultur og service. Du finder store virksomheder, startups og et bredt udvalg af butikker og restauranter. Boligpriserne er dog højere sammenlignet med andre områder.
Latinerkvarteret: Historisk hjørne med hyggelige gader og smukke bygninger. Populært blandt unge professionelle og kreative sjæle. Her finder du mindre virksomheder, designstudier og kunstneriske initiativer. Boligudbuddet er begrænset, men stemningen er unik.
Frederiksbjerg: Trendy område med et mix af moderne og historisk arkitektur. Tiltrækker familier og professionelle med ambitioner inden for kreative industrier, IT og medier. Gode transportforbindelser, men boligpriserne kan være høje.
Marselisborg: Roligt villakvarter med grønne områder og havudsigt. Ideelt for familier og personer, der prioriterer ro og natur. Mulighederne for beskæftigelse er primært inden for offentlige institutioner og små virksomheder. Boligpriserne er generelt højere.
Trøjborg: Dynamisk kvarter med studerende og kreative miljøer. Populært blandt unge og iværksættere. Boligudbuddet består primært af lejeboliger. God adgang til Aarhus Universitet og flere IT-virksomheder.
Lisbjerg: Industriområde i transformation med fokus på bæredygtighed og innovation. Attraktivt for personer med grønne ambitioner og teknisk baggrund. Flere innovative virksomheder har base her, og boligudbuddet er stigende.
Viby og Brabrand: Forstadskommuner med gode familievenlige boliger og et bredt udvalg af erhvervsområder. Her finder du store virksomheder inden for energi, logistik og teknologi. Boligpriserne er lavere end i centrum, men transporttiden kan være længere.
Mere information om Århus
Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i Århus, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om Århus, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om Århus i denne guide: Din guide til jobjagt i Smilets By: Sådan lander du drømmejobbet i Århus.