Scanner Software Developer – to create superior mobility experience

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Your chance to join a successful company to create best-in-class 3D scanners!

3Shape’s solutions are disrupting multiple of the traditional dental workflows by replacing physical impressions of patient teeth with highly accurate, high-resolution 3D scans and workflows. This provides patients worldwide with an improved customer experience, while giving dentists a wider range of treatment options, increasing efficiency, and allowing our customers to treat more patients.

As a software developer in R&D, you will develop software for 3Shape’s top of the range scanners. You will be part of an innovative and agile team that works in a stimulating environment. As people we are social, open-minded and have an exceptionally good team spirit. Among the team’s responsibilities are software for 3D scanners. You will develop an in-depth understanding of a networked scanner. Together with your team you will use modern tools and technologies like Docker, C++ 11 and onwards, C#, and Python.

A quarter of all 3Shape staff work in R&D. Innovation is a central part of ‘our DNA’ which fosters a culture of thinking differently. Emphasizing empowerment and taking ownership are key aspects of our culture. We are no longer a start-up, but we take pride in continuing to think like one – together we embrace new ways to exchange ideas and develop unprecedented innovations. All of this helps us to stay engaged with a broad canvas of technologies and applications. We simply think and work in an agile way.

Your Role

Together with the team you will take the scanner to the next level of mobility and flexibility and make sure that the scanner can be used wherever you like. You will work with various tasks in the scanner software area from low-level software to software without an UI. We value your ideas, software development skills and your contribution to an effective and evolving development process in a multi-cultural work environment. You will be part of a cross-functional team of highly talented and top of the class colleagues that sets the bar for innovation high.

Your responsibilities

  • Concoct the ideas and develop the functionality of making it possible to scan everywhere
  • Devise the path and develop the scanner ecosystem to improve the scanner experience
  • Together with software, electrical and mechanical engineers develop the next versions of our scanner
  • Contribute to a fun and professional work environment within the team and in the 3Shape family

Your profile

  • Educated as a M.Sc. or Ph.D. in computer science, physics, electronics engineering, applied mathematics or equivalent

  • Programming skills in one or more object-oriented languages – preferably C++ or C#
  • Interested in network and streaming protocols
  • Fond of embedded programming

  • Mindset for quality, flexibility, creativity, emerging technologies, and for seeing priorities from a user perspective
  • Experience with embedded Linux frameworks and applications

Working at 3Shape

In our search for new colleagues, we always look for outstanding achievements such as top grades from university, development of successful products, awards, or similar. We are committed to make the best use of any specialty you may have for the benefit of both parties.

We offer

An opportunity to become part of an exciting MedTech company in an enthusiastic, international development team with an informal atmosphere.

  • A professional challenge in a highly dynamic globally oriented business environment
  • Attractive office and lab spaces in downtown Copenhagen
  • The chance to influence the next generation of scanners and the future of an expanding company
  • An passionate work environment in an informal atmosphere with social, diverse and highly skilled colleagues
  • Empowerment and influence over own tasks
  • A healthcare package to keep you fit and well and lunch cooked by our private chef

With us you will be part of the success that 3Shape has created over the past 20 years. You will be able to work on solutions used by thousands of dental professionals worldwide!


We have an existing journey ahead of us and if you want to be part of this don’t hesitate to apply for this position by sending your application/cover letter and CV through our recruitment system. Applications will be processed continuously.

We encourage all relevant applicants to apply. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any other status. All qualified applicants will be given equal opportunity and the selection is based on job-related factors.

About us

3Shape started with a simple idea - to make 3D scanning better. First, we applied it to the hearing industry, then we succeeded in dentistry. Now, twenty years later, 3Shape is 1,700+ employees globally. With the help of dental professionals and amazing colleagues we’re creating award-winning scanning and CAD/CAM solutions to change dentistry together! Together, we contribute to a better world. Experience the everyday #lifeat3Shape across the globe on Facebook.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Softwareudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 6.8.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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  • København

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