Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer

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Do you want to be part of an ambitious team that ensures the best possible deliveries in close interaction with our customers and stakeholders in NNIT?

We are looking for experienced AX Developer to join our Application Services team at NNIT office in Søborg. If you are driven by a high level of responsibility, customer engagement, visibility and believe you can make a difference in our company then we would like to hear from you.

Your responsibilities as MS Dynamics AX Developer

As our new MS Dynamics AX Developer, you take responsibility and take the lead in ensuring customer success through your knowledge and experience. You see the possibilities and challenges in building a good working relationship with customers and understand that your knowledge, professionalism and, above all, dedication are your main tools to get the job done.

You have the expertise, experience and network to contribute to our continued focus on business expansion of the customer portfolio. Your daily work will offer many different tasks in all phases of the solutions lifecycle: advice, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance and further development.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Interpreting and delivering client requirements against standard business processes, translating these into quality designs and solutions
  • Configuring AX functionality in relation to the business blueprint
  • Understanding and analyzing change requests and their impact within the broader business context
  • Providing continuous support for AX systems and processes
  • Ensuring that the required hot fixes are applied to the application/module concerned
  • Creating and executing test scripts
  • Support the development of standards, policies, procedures and systems for ensuring that software development/implementation is carried with consistently high quality, and con-forming to industry recognized standards

You will join our Dynamic Application Services team

You will join a fast growing department with about 65 top professional colleagues in both Denmark and the Philippines. NNIT’s offering on Dynamics AX grew significantly in the last couple of years and with acquisition of SCALES in 2017, this area has become a genuine strategic initiative for NNIT, making us one of the biggest AX houses in Denmark.

The team is responsible for advising our customers on business and technology as well as designing and implementing IT solutions and applications - with top professional colleagues developing and maintaining complex systems for our customers within NNIT’s strategic segments.

Together with your team you have the full responsibility for adding new functionality and features to existing systems within our portfolio. We have long-term agreements with our clients which gives you the opportunity to develop the systems for a longer period based on a deep understanding of the clients’ business needs.

You will have the opportunity to lead and contribute to highly desirable and visible projects, in an environment where teamwork is encouraged and where you have opportunities for personal growth and advancement. We support you in your ambitions regarding career development and you will continuously get the chance of further developing your skills so that they suit both your personal goals and our goals as a company.

Your qualifications and experience

You have in-depth knowledge within Microsoft Dynamics AX. You are able to translate this knowledge into pragmatic and sustainable solutions of high quality, in accordance with customer requirements. Additionally, you will assist with assessments, estimates and recommendations for the prioritization of change requests and defect fixing.

Your approach is analytical, proactive and pragmatic and you are expected to take ownership of tasks. You challenge and transform business requirements that are not clear, and unambiguous into a concise set of requirements that can be used and traced throughout the implementation phases.

The ideal candidate possesses the following qualifications:

  • At least 3-5 years successful project experience on Microsoft Dynamics AX – design and development of customer specific solutions in Dynamics AX
  • Experience with the Microsoft SQL Suite. Knowledge of PowerBI is only a benefit.
  • In-depth knowledge of Dynamics AX 2009 and/or Dynamics AX 2012, covering at least 2 of the following areas: Financials, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Retail and Talent.
  • Experience with MS Dynamics 365 FO, Life Cycle Services and Azure will absolutely be an advantage, but this is an area where you can develop your skills.
  • Practical experience with offshoring and cooperation across borders. Self-driven, outgoing and able to thrive in a multicultural environment

As you will be working close to the business, it is important that you are able to gap the bridge between technology and the customers´ business needs. You communicate easily with customers and colleagues at all levels. You are able to work with both technical specialists and managers, and you can communicate, understand and solve complex technical and business issues.

You communicate with our international colleagues and customers. Therefore, it is crucial that you are fluent in English both orally and in writing. Good Danish skills will be an advantage.

We evaluate applications on a continuous basis, and therefore we encourage you to apply for the position as soon as possible.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Softwareudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Informationsteknologi".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 28.8.2019, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Softwareudvikler
  • København
  • Søndag den 15. september 2019

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Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer