Personal assistant wanted, regular weekday + weekend work in shifts

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Tranbjerg J

Personal assistant wanted, regular weekday + weekend work in shifts


I am 54 years old and use a electric wheelchair. I had a Hang glider accident back in 1986 and was paralyzed from the chest down (partly in arms and hands). I am the Chief of Innovation Officer in the robot company Capra Robotics.

I am looking for a Personal Assistant with physical strength.

It can be mentioned that the job includes help to get to the toilet and in the shower, up in the morning and in bed in the evening.

Christine and the kids:

I am married to Christine, who is 52 years old and who is a Ceramic Artist. Christine and I have been married for 19 years, together we have Emilie at 19 and Emma at 17 years.

As a Personal Assistant, you are not part of the family. It may seem strange to some, but we have chosen a professional and distant way, to the Personal Assistants, to take care of our family - we have the expectation that the Personal Assistant will not work with us for the rest of his life and a too deep relationship is therefore opted out. We are therefore not looking for someone who wants to have a social need covered through the job.


We have 1 Norwegian Forest Cat. You do not normally have any work assignments regarding them. But of course, it will not work if you have allergies for cats. (The cats are not allowed in the auxiliary room, but are in the rest of the house and our fenced garden)

Meals and visits:

The Personal Assistant often does not eat with meals, but prepares for me, brings his own food into the Personal Assistant room, so we (the family) can be allowed to be alone. When we have guests, the Personal Assistant sometimes participates in the meal and also helps to make it all work. Mads is responsible and will tell us what expectations we have for the Personal Assistant. The Personal Assistant must not have guests at our premises.

Auxiliary room:

We provide an auxiliary room. There you can take breaks, watch TV and sleep if you wish. The auxiliary room is a bit secluded, as we want to have a family life. You also need to be able to retire. When your help is needed, we will call.

Expectation’s alignment:

It is intended that the Personal Assistant always knows what we expect the person to do, when and how to do it and if the Personal Assistant is in doubt about something, the Personal Assistant is expected to ask. In addition, it is important that the Personal Assistant tells how he or she wants, to get explained how work tasks are to be performed. No one learns the same and if we are to get to know new people, clear communication lines are important.

Your Danish or English must be fluent

Clarity and problem solving:

It is also a prerequisite for working with us that you must be able to say "yes" and "no", e.g. when you feel stepped on your toes or if there is something you do not understand.

Before a Personal Assistant starts a job with us, the person must come one morning and one evening and sees how everything usually goes. It takes approx. 3 hours each. Here you see how a bathing as well as getting up and going to bed - all-inclusive takes place. The training is paid.

Working hours and wages:

The position is built up with a weekly day from kl. 16 or 22 until the following morning at 10 (which can be extended if necessary). In addition, weekend shifts in rotation. You can find the wage rates on the Municipality Aarhus website:

From experience, the position is approx. 30 h / week incl. The shifts you take during other people's illness and holidays.

Temporary hours and extra shifts:

We have no external temps, which means that the people we have hired commits to help cover each other's holidays and any sick days.

A Personal Assistant will be offered extra shifts. It is expected that you say yes to a fair number of extra shifts.


Mads Bendt


Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "SOSU-hjælper", og befinder sig i kategorien "Sundhed og forskning".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Tranbjerg J.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 24.8.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • SOSU-hjælper
  • Tranbjerg J
  • Tirsdag den 19. oktober 2021

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