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hører under jobtypen Softwareudvikler.

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  • Forsker

    Do you want to contribute to a future where we can use novel magnetometers to understand diseases in the human brain by measuring its ma..
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    If you are interested in developing new therapeutic options for a devast..
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  • Forsker

    Antimicrobial resistance is among the biggest challenges for human and animal health. The GloCaB R..
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  • Biolog

    Do you have experience with quality control and analysis of whole genome sequencing (WGS) d..
    • Biolog
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  • Forsker

    Are you passionate about making a meaningful impact in the lives of patients with hearing aids and cochlear implants? Do you possess .
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  • Afdelingsleder

    Har du en baggrund som arkitekt og nogle års erfaring med de indledende faser i byggeri og anlæg? Har du erfaring med forskellige former for planudvikling? Kunne..
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  • Forsker

    The lab of Associate Prof. Kedar Natarajan at DTU Bioengineering invites Postdoc applications to work with stem cell models, single-cell multi-omics..
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    Do you want to be involved in the microbiological characterization of residues from the food production chain? This project will help the authorities and indust..
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    The section for Computational Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is seeking an outstanding and highly motivated candidate for a PhD position within t..
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    We invite you to apply for a position targeting research and innovation in the COASTal LIFE project (20..
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    DTU Food invites applications for a postdoc position i..
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  • Jurist

    Har du erfaring med styring af IT-kontrakter i forbindelse med komplekse offentlige projekter eller programmer? Er du..
    • Jurist
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  • Forsker

    Join the DTU Nanolab Team as a Professor in Plasma Aided Nanotechnology! Are you passionate about advancing the field of nanof..
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    An ambitious postdoc candidate with experience in experimental microfluidics and the will to collaborate with a group of highl..
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    The Department of Technology, Management and Economics at DTU invites applications for a PhD student position on the topic of using AI to red..
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  • Forsker

    The Department of Technology, Management and Economics at DTU invites applications for a Postdoc p..
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Statistik over udbudte jobs som softwareudviklere

Herunder ser du udviklingen i udbudte softwareudvikler over tid. Bemærk at jobs der ikke har en bestemt geografi ikke er medtaget i tabellen. I den første kolonne ser du datoen. I den næste kolonne ser du det samlede antal softwareudviklere.

Se flere statistikker her:
Statistik over udbudte softwareudviklere over tid

Dato Alle jobs som softwareudviklere
5. juli 2024 524
4. juli 2024 520
3. juli 2024 504
2. juli 2024 486
1. juli 2024 480
30. juni 2024 472
29. juni 2024 484
28. juni 2024 490
27. juni 2024 495
26. juni 2024 491
25. juni 2024 479
24. juni 2024 482
23. juni 2024 488
22. juni 2024 490
21. juni 2024 496
20. juni 2024 505
19. juni 2024 502
18. juni 2024 496
17. juni 2024 495
16. juni 2024 501
15. juni 2024 510
14. juni 2024 510
13. juni 2024 501
12. juni 2024 502
11. juni 2024 509
10. juni 2024 510
9. juni 2024 530
8. juni 2024 527
7. juni 2024 538
6. juni 2024 530
5. juni 2024 534