IT Delivery Manager Fleet

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My name is Ana Sedej and I am looking for a new IT Delivery Manager to join the Technology organization in Svitzer. You will have an exciting chance to become a part of my team in a newly established function Business engagement and Delivery. In this role you will get an outstanding opportunity to get full responsibility for several applications in the Fleet portfolio. In close partnership with colleagues from other functions you will manage application roadmaps and changes as well as engage on new ideas to further improve and enable the business areas within your application domain.

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We offer

Svitzer is a towage company, which means we help our customers maneuver their larger ships safely and timely in and out of port. We operate globally. Most of our business is to support container vessels, cargo ships, cruise ships and navy vessels but we also attend to emergencies like vessels being adrift or offshore fires. Technology as a strong partner to different business areas is key in making the operations run efficiently and to innovate the future of Svitzer. We are on an exciting journey shaping the future of Technology in Svitzer and defining our role in innovating this industry. I hope to get a chance to meet you and share more good stories about our role in making the global supply chain run smoothly.

You will be a valued partner to our business process owners and will in close collaboration together craft the future vision for the applications, create proposals and roadmaps on how existing and new applications within the portfolio area can enable the underlying business even further and result in greater value. You will ensure that the changes on the applications are implemented together with our vendors and comply with our security and architecture guidelines.

You and your IT delivery manager colleagues are usually involved in different delivery areas but work closely together and help each other out. Mutual respect, collaboration and fun is important in our team. You will notice a true international feel day to day, where your colleagues in the global technology organization are based in Australia, Americas, Dubai, UK and Denmark, however with many more nationalities than this. English is our main business language, and your working days vary between virtual meetings and in-person interactions, and at times you might be traveling to meet in person with remote teams.

Your main location will be together with Svitzer headquarters at Amaliegade 44 in the heart of Copenhagen and part of a wider Maersk campus. You will have access to the fitness center and classes, occasional Friday bars and can look forward to our canteens that serve delicious and healthy breakfast and lunch. Flexibility is important and there's an option to skip the commute and deliver from home some days of the week.

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Key responsibilities

• Creating application change roadmaps in close collaboration with business counterparts and aligned to the overall strategy
• Planning and managing application changes and releases for major, minor changes and upgrades
• Leading with focus on quality, time and budget with high degree of interdependency
• Ensuring risks and issues are clearly articulated and handled
• Building a partnership with our business, vendors, development and application support teams and closely collaborating on successful delivery
• Running a prioritized backlog of changes
• Establishing cost control and transparency of budget and rolling forecast
• Being an escalation point for major incidents for applications within your portfolio
• Building and maintaining effective governance and communication with all stakeholders
• Ensuring the right level of documentation is maintained.

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We are looking for

Someone who is passionate about working in the sweet spot between technology and business driven by the vision to enable more business value and outcomes via technology. You love working with IT delivery, take ownership for your area of responsibility, transform and improve the way we work in the technology organization.

You have an interest in operations excellence where you together with the Operations team create solutions and visibility to support our daily execution so our frontline can provide a superior service to our customers through safe, efficient and compliant operation by managing and developing applications related to Fleet management including procurement and planned maintenance (such as Sertica, Fleet master data management).

Your background is related to technology with demonstrated ability in similar roles where you lead development teams, either internal or vendors, and delivered changes to applications or projects. The degree you hold is bachelor’s or higher. You understand different delivery methodologies, including agile and can use that knowledge to coordinate and empower a team. You encourage a team and work in a collaborative manner.

It is important you communicate in a clear, concise, professional, and direct way and are fluent in English. You can build strong professional relationships with your key partners and can act as a link between business and developers and/or vendors. You make sure we prioritize changes that bring the highest business value and can have a good conversation with a delivery team and challenge them on the solution when needed.

Besides being organized, you have experience with building plans and roadmaps. You are also good at prioritizing and problem solve in stressful situations.

We can see you as a great teammate with a can-do attitude focusing on business value that can be unlocked via technology, however with a cost-conscious mindset driving down cost through removal of waste in the process and a keen eye on how we can automate further.

Experience with cost controls and application maintenance and support would be considered an advantage.

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Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Afdelingsleder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Ledelse og personale".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 10.11.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Afdelingsleder
  • København

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Statistik over udbudte afdelingsleder i København over tid

Dato Alle jobs som afdelingsleder
28. december 2024 210
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15. december 2024 191
14. december 2024 188
13. december 2024 192
12. december 2024 177
11. december 2024 179
10. december 2024 181
9. december 2024 175
8. december 2024 180
7. december 2024 178
6. december 2024 183
5. december 2024 185
4. december 2024 192
3. december 2024 188
2. december 2024 186
1. december 2024 184
30. november 2024 184
29. november 2024 187
28. november 2024 197

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Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer