Group Manufacturing Business Partner, Group Product & Operations Finance

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Pandora is the world’s leading jewellery company and we own and operate the most modern, eco-friendly and efficient jewellery manufacturing setup in the world. We have over the last 4 years doubled our output capacity and developed a plethora of skills and capabilities that sets us apart from the competition, enabling Pandora to produce hand crafted luxury at affordable prices. Now we are looking for a Group Manufacturing Business Partner, who can drive further performance improvements in tandem with our local business partners in Thailand.

Job description & areas of responsibility:
Group Product and Operations Finance is an ambition team, responsible for the overall commercial business partnering with our product and merchandising team as well as the finance business partnering with the entire supply chain – including our manufacturing facilities in Thailand.

More specifically for this position, the ambition is to be commercially minded while collaborating closely with top level management in Thailand as well as in Copenhagen. The outcome will be improved decision making through timely deliveries and relevant analyses within this area to ensure that the business gets the transparency and knowledge when necessary to be able to make the best commercial decisions possible.

As a Group Manufacturing Business Partner, you will be a core team member in both the manufacturing and the Group Supply Chain teams. You will act as the bridge who combines and consolidates the impact from the manufacturing site into Group P/L and key stakeholders will include both Executive Leadership Team, Global Finance and Supply Chain colleagues. You will be responsible for overseeing and controlling the manufacturing performance in Thailand, from a Group perspective.

Effectively connecting the local performance in Thailand with the Group performance and P/L – Including handling standard costs, variances and gold and silver impact on Group P/L. You are expected to be a challenger to budgets, plans and actuals, while supporting a continuous growth path to constantly help improve performance. Further, you will be responsible for the consolidation of the Group COGS and to generate insights through scenarios of both commodity development as well as the underlying product costing. In addition, tasks will include:

  • Forecast, plan and budget expected performance from a Group perspective
  • Build and control business cases to support further development of our manufacturing efficiencies and capabilities in Thailand
  • Advise our colleagues in Thailand as well as our leadership team in critical decision making with appropriate analyses and insights
  • Continuous impact analysis of changes in gold and silver, as well as other FX fluctuations
  • Annual impact analysis of update of our Standard cost and its Group P/L impact

What is needed to succeed:
The ideal candidate has solid (5+ years) manufacturing controlling experience from a Group perspective and a strong toolbox obtained through similar roles in other large manufacturing companies. Further, you have and can demonstrate:

  • A strong commercial mindset and an ability to clearly communicate, both verbally and written, the complexity of a big production in an easy to understand language
  • Strong financial acumen and the ability to challenge our highly skilled manufacturing colleagues in Thailand
  • Understanding of the links between Group P&L, Standards cost updates, standard cost variances and their interactions with performance management and how they affect various KPI’s on both local and Group level – And a natural way of communicating this in a simple way
  • An analytical mindset and you are an experienced excel and PowerPoint user. It is second nature for you to structure your communication simply and clearly for all levels in the organisation
  • Preferably worked with HP and HFM before

Something about you:
This is a great job opportunity to further develop your finance business partner skills, however we also expect you to be ready to step into an organization in change and a need to transform the entire company. Because you possess a change mind-set, you thrive in such an environment and are able to establish processes and standards where relevant. You are curious to learn and eager to understand our business, you ask and challenge, you work independently, but also enjoy being a part of a team where cooperation is critical for the finance organization to succeed.

Your new team:
Pandora is a company with a big heart that takes great pride in treating our people well. You will be part of an exciting business area and work in an international hub of can-do spirited, passionate and performance-driven people. We are a busy department of 8 people across multiple nationalities, who work closely together, help each other and appreciate an informal and humorous tone.

Additional information:
We offer a competitive pay and generally good personal benefits. The role is based in the Pandora Global Office in Copenhagen, Denmark. Candidates should be willing to travel when needed, however it is expected to be limited.

Did we get your attention?
We hope you got all your questions answered and feel confident applying for this position, however if you have more questions regarding the position, please contact:

Brian Granberg
Director, Product & Operations Finance
+45 7219 5344

If you see yourself in the position and would like to become a part of the Pandoras future . We look forward to hear from you!

We process applications on a continuous basis, which is why we encourage you to send your application as soon as possible. You can also read more about Pandora on our corporate site

Icing on the cake
You will be working out of our beautiful Head Office in Copenhagen V, established in 2016 and designed to unite and inspire our teams. Beside from our beautiful interior design we are also proud of our LEED Gold Certification for Energy and Environmental Design. This means that we use as few natural resources as possible and that we use them with respect. The result is a professional and dynamic space that is unique, comfortable and inspirational – and delivers a true Pandora experience to anyone who works here or comes to visit.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Bygningsarbejder", og befinder sig i kategorien "Industri, håndværk og teknik".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 21.12.2019, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Bygningsarbejder
  • København
  • Søndag den 19. januar 2020

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