Operations and Project Manager in Learning Lab

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Would you like to contribute to supporting the fight for a more equitable and sustainable world? Are you a skilled project manager with an interest in digital learning? Learning Lab, a specialised learning team in DanChurchAid (DCA), is offering a unique position to manage digital learning projects and support the Team Lead in the management of Learning Lab operations.
You will be part of an innovative and dynamic team of 11 colleagues all working towards creating and promoting impactful learning experiences in the communities we serve. We collaborate with units and country offices internally in DCA, but also with many other organisations around the world. Learning Lab also facilitates the global Fabo Learning Community, a membership-based community with 31 member organisations. Our learning platform provides easy access to learning technology for organisations, big and small.
Your role involves two main areas of responsibility. The first relates to project management of our learning projects, which will also be your most time-demanding engagement. The other relates to the management of Learning Lab operations. Though the two areas will take up the majority of your time, your tasks will not always fall into these specific boxes, as you will also be involved in other exciting work related to supporting DCA and other Fabo member organisations in their pursuit of enhancing their own work with learning. Your involvement in this will depend on the skills you bring in and interests you have.
Project Manager
Project Manager
As one of our project managers, you will manage projects, and ensure the design and production team reaches necessary milestones to successfully complete the project within the specified timeframe and budget. You will be responsible for managing the project from framing to implementation.
Though your role in digital learning projects and collaborations within and outside DCA, will mostly be as project manager, you will also to some extent be involved in our work with learning experience design and development and will also have tasks related to this. Therefore, prior knowledge and experience with digital learning is an advantage, but if not, we will train you.
Operations Manager
Operations Manager
As Learning Lab’s operations manager, you will have the overall responsibility for ensuring Learning Lab complies with its own team practices, finance guidelines, and project procedures. This comes with some administrative tasks relating to finance, reporting and projects in close collaboration with the Team Lead and other project managers.
In connection with this, it is important to note that you will not only be critical to the smooth running of Learning Lab, but also play an important role in how we as a team can grow and improve our operational practices. This can relate to anything from how we minimise time use on administrative tasks to how we onboard new colleagues. This will be very open for your perspectives and initiatives!
Key responsibilities in Learning Lab:
Key responsibilities in Learning Lab:
  • Project management of learning projects and processes: Develop comprehensive project plans, outlining scope, timelines, resources, and milestones
  • Budget and resource management: Monitor project budgets, ensuring all financial aspects are managed effectively and within constraints, and that the right people from Learning Lab are continuously involved
  • Stakeholder management: Maintain clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders, providing regular project updates and addressing any issues promptly
  • Management of Learning Lab operations
  • Development and documentation of Learning Lab’s work processes related to projects
  • Other tasks and assignments as needed.

  • Project management of learning projects and processes: Develop comprehensive project plans, outlining scope, timelines, resources, and milestones
    Budget and resource management: Monitor project budgets, ensuring all financial aspects are managed effectively and within constraints, and that the right people from Learning Lab are continuously involved
    Stakeholder management: Maintain clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders, providing regular project updates and addressing any issues promptly
    Management of Learning Lab operations
    Development and documentation of Learning Lab’s work processes related to projects
    Other tasks and assignments as needed.
    Required qualifications:
    Required qualifications:
  • 2+ years’ experience as project manager
  • 2+ experience within administration, finance, or operations
  • A relevant educational background. This could be within technology, global studies, media production, education, etc.
  • Strong organisational and multitasking skills, and interest in digital learning a must!
  • High level of technological flair
  • Proficiency in administration software, like Excel and SmartSheet
  • Fluent in oral and written Danish and English
  • Advantage: Knowledge and/or experience with digital learning and learning experience design
  • Advantage: Proficiency in Arabic, French and Spanish
  • Advantage: Experience from working or volunteering within the humanitarian and/or development sector.

  • 2+ years’ experience as project manager
    2+ experience within administration, finance, or operations
    A relevant educational background. This could be within technology, global studies, media production, education, etc.
    Strong organisational and multitasking skills, and interest in digital learning a must!
    High level of technological flair
    Proficiency in administration software, like Excel and SmartSheet
    Fluent in oral and written Danish and English
    Advantage: Knowledge and/or experience with digital learning and learning experience design
    Advantage: Proficiency in Arabic, French and Spanish
    Advantage: Experience from working or volunteering within the humanitarian and/or development sector.
    As a person, you are:
    As a person, you are:
  • Structured and organised
  • Creative and innovative in problem solving
  • Able to adapt to changing work situations and circumstances
  • A strong team player with a collaborative mindset
  • Motivated by making a difference and contributing to positive change for our end users

  • Structured and organised
    Creative and innovative in problem solving
    Able to adapt to changing work situations and circumstances
    A strong team player with a collaborative mindset
    Motivated by making a difference and contributing to positive change for our end users
    We offer:
    We offer:
  • An exciting workplace with highly engaged and qualified colleagues
  • Permanent contract
  • 37 hours/week, incl. lunch
  • Flexible working hours and the possibility of working 1-2 days from home
  • Possible travel to DCA Country offices, Fabo members or in relation to project work
  • Salary based on DanChurchAid’s collective agreement, an attractive pension scheme and insurance scheme
  • A job in Vesterbro, Copenhagen: DCA headquarters in Meldahlsgade 3, 1613 Copenhagen V

  • An exciting workplace with highly engaged and qualified colleagues
    Permanent contract
    37 hours/week, incl. lunch
    Flexible working hours and the possibility of working 1-2 days from home
    Possible travel to DCA Country offices, Fabo members or in relation to project work
    Salary based on DanChurchAid’s collective agreement, an attractive pension scheme and insurance scheme
    A job in Vesterbro, Copenhagen: DCA headquarters in Meldahlsgade 3, 1613 Copenhagen V
    Submit your application
    Submit your application
    Please apply through our recruitment platform Emply no later than June 12, 2024. You can access the platform via: Ledige stillinger I [xxxxx] (emply.com)
    Ledige stillinger I [xxxxx] (emply.com)
    Expected start date is August 1, 2024.
    Expected start date is August 1, 2024.
    We encourage all interested candidates, irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnic affiliation to apply for the position. DCA conducts an anti-terror check as part of the recruitment process. It is a prerequisite that you can pass this check and maintain this status throughout your employment with us. Everyone applying for a job with DCA must be ready to comply with our Code of Conduct, Staff Policy on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment and our Child Safeguarding Policy.

    Information og data

    Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Forretningsudvikler", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

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