Job hos Aalborg Universitet i Aalborg
Se jobs hos Aalborg Universitet i Aalborg herunder.
Research assistant in Building Services Engineerin...
JobbeskrivelseResearch areas will be within Building Energy Systems and Indoor EnvironmentWe are seeking a skilled and detail-oriented Research Assistant to join our Indoor Air Quality Laborato..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Professor in Physiology and Physics of the Vestibu...
JobbeskrivelseThe position requires research qualifications at Professor level within the vestibular area. The position will primarily focus on clinical and experimental research in treatment metho..- Forsker
- Aalborg
National Center of Excellence looking for Post-Doc...
JobbeskrivelseAbout PREDICTPREDICT is at the forefront of international research to unravel the cause and prognosis of inflammatory bowel diseases(IBD), which are chronic and disabling conditions a..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Research Assistant in Time Series Management, Aalb...
JobbeskrivelseThe open source TSMS ModelarDB developed by Aalborg University will be used by the on-going research project“6G-XCEL” to manage extreme amounts of time series data. ModelarDB provides..- Forsker
- Aalborg
[xxxxx]Klinisk lektor i akutmedicin
JobbeskrivelseKandidatuddannelsen i medicin ved [xxxxx] tager udgangspunkt i det kliniske miljø ved [xxxxx]shospital. Vi har et stabilt optag af medicinstuderende på Aal..- Lærer
- Aalborg
Associate Professor in Rehabilitation Robotics and...
JobbeskrivelseAt Department of Health Science and Technology we conduct research, teaching and innovation within engineering, biomedicine, sports science, public health, neuroscience, psychology, a..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Two Associate Professorships in Strategy, Organiza...
JobbeskrivelseThe Strategy, Organization, and Management Group at Aalborg University Business School is a research group focusing on incumbent firms and startups' organization, management, and stra..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Professor in social work related to children, yout...
JobbeskrivelseThe professor in social work related to children, youth, and families in vulnerable positions should contribute to the department’s national and international profile in relation to r..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Research Assistant or Post-Doctoral Researcher in ...
JobbeskrivelseYour job responsibilitiesYour main tasks will consist of developing data integration processes and data quality assessment processes for medical data based on the OMOP common data mod..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Professor i Forbrugerret
JobbeskrivelseProfessoren skal forestå forskning og undervisning i forbrugerret, herunder EU-forbrugerret samt indgå i og udvikle det formueretlige miljø på instituttet. Herudover forventes profess..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Assistant professor in Architectural Engineering[x...
JobbeskrivelseThe Department of the Built Environment(BUILD) focuses on the technical and scientific disciplines within the built environment. Research areas span from Indoor Environment and Energy..- Akademisk medarbejder
- Aalborg
Postdoc in Secure and Reliable Communication with ...
JobbeskrivelseResearch areas will be within algebraic coding theory. While the primary focus is on fundamental research in algebraic coding theory, practical applications in the maritime industry—i..- Forsker
- Aalborg
JobbeskrivelseHuman calmodulin mutations cause cardiac arrhythmia but have recently also been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders. While we have established a good foundation to understand the m..- Forsker
- Aalborg
One or more Assistant- or Associate Professor in M...
JobbeskrivelseIf the applicant is employed as Assistant Professor, the employment will be a fixed term(4 years), full-time position. If the applicant is employed as Associate Professor, the positio..- Forsker
- Aalborg
One or more Assistant Professor(s) in Model-based ...
JobbeskrivelseThe Assistant Professorship(s) are part of a strategic effort to strengthen our core capabilities in model-based approaches to manufacturing systems, and technologies, and enabling da..- Akademisk medarbejder
- Aalborg
Research Assistant or Postdoc in Optimized Sizing,...
JobbeskrivelseAalborg University contributes to the knowledge building of the global society as well as the development of prosperity, welfare and culture of Danish society. This is accomplished th..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Assistant Professorship in IT and Learning[xxxxx])
JobbeskrivelseThe position is affiliated with the department’s research group IT and Learning Design(L-ILD) and the associated research laboratory, Xlab. The L-ILD research group focuses on cross-d..- Akademisk medarbejder
- Aalborg
JobbeskrivelseThe postdoc will be working with the Natural Language Processing(NLP) team in the Data, Knowledge, and Web Engineering(DKW) group, physically located in Copenhagen. The position is an..- Forsker
- Aalborg
Postdoc position at The Center for Neuroplasticity...
JobbeskrivelseWho are we? We strive to identify and modulate key features of human pain neuroplasticity and its relevance for persistent pain. CNAP is a research Centre of Excellence inaugurate..- Forsker
- Aalborg