Management Consulting Analyst
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Job Description
Management Consulting Analyst with an interest in the health sector
Are you passionate about working with strategic consulting and technologies within the sectors of health and welfare - and do you dream of making a difference to the health sector in Denmark and the Nordics? Then we want to hear from you! Accenture’s Strategy and Consulting department is looking for new colleagues to join our Health Service team and we therefore invite talented master thesis students, recent graduates, and graduates with a few years' experience to apply for the position.
Do you want to help digitize the healthcare system of the future, introduce agile ways of working, design innovative solutions, and do you dream of making a difference to the healthcare sector in Denmark? Then you have the opportunity to kick-start your career in one of the world's leading consultancies and help set a strategic direction for Nordic healthcare organizations.
As a consultant in the Health Service team, you will contribute to the development of the health sector
Within the Health Service team, we assist Accenture’s health sector clients through some of their biggest challenges, and our projects help to create a more digitized future for the Nordic healthcare system. As a consultant in the team, the possibilities are many, and depending on your profile and interests, you will handle a wide range of tasks. As an example, you will get the opportunity to work with implementation of new technologies, strategy- and decision proposals, project- and program management, data analysis and implementation of business intelligence and preparation of business cases. Furthermore, you will get the opportunity to help our clients with large IT-projects, and to develop your profile and interests with new knowledge within different parts of Health IT.
The tasks are wide-ranging, and to navigate between the many options, you will be assigned a mentor who will help you develop in your desired direction and shape your career path in Accenture. In addition, you will have the opportunity to enter a strong collaboration across the Nordic Health Service department, as the Danish Health team are closely connected with the other Nordic Health teams in Norway, Sweden, and Finland, which brings opportunity for knowledge sharing and collaboration across countries. Furthermore, we together develop and strengthen our deep domain insight within the various areas of the health sector in which we have specialized in for many years.
In addition to assisting our customers, you will make your mark on the department by contributing to business development, participating in conferences and events, preparing tenders, assisting with recruitment, and preparing and participating in customer meetings.
We are looking for a new colleague with the following profile:
- You are about to complete your master’s degree within a relevant field, e.g., health and informatics or similar, you have recently graduated, or you have a few years of experience
- You have experience with and/or interest in health- and welfare technologies
- You have relevant work experience from the Danish healthcare system, e.g. from a permanent position, student jobs or voluntary activities
- You have strong analytical skills
- You can effectively absorb and analyze information and work out creative solutions to complex problems
- You are a strong communicator in Danish speech as well as in writing, as the work you will be performing will be in Danish
- You are a team player and naturally creates trust-based relationships
- You take initiative and responsibility and ensure progress in the tasks you engage in.
Learning is in our DNA
As an employee of Accenture Strategy and Consulting, you will become part of one of the world's leading consultancies working with some of the strongest and most proven methods worldwide. You will work in a dynamic team with some of the industry's most talented consultants, and on your projects, you will experience close collaboration with our customers and independent responsibility from day one. We care about our employees continuously achieving their goals and thriving in their work, and we have an inclusive, developing, and collaborative culture. Through personal career guidance, a comprehensive international training program and focus on continuous development, we work purposefully to develop our employees into the best and most valuable consultants on the market.
If you are passionate about making a difference for the public sector and you can see yourself in the above description, please send your application before 24.10.2022. We hold regular interviews and therefore encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Be sure to attach the following three documents to be considered:
- Cover letter (written in Danish or English)
- CV (written in Danish or English)
- Grade certificate from bachelor's and master's degree
Questions about the position can be directed to [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!
Management Consulting Analyst/Management Consultant
Information og data
Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".
Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København
Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 29.9.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.
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Mere information om København
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