Senior Consultant – Biogas & Waste-to-X

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<p>Anaerobic digestion of organic waste to produce biogas has many environmental benefits. It generates a local, flexible, renewable and storable fuel, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and nutrients from the digestate can be reused as an agricultural fertilizer. Our focus furthermore comprehend gasification, pyrolysis and fermentation, which all may provide input to advanced waste-to-X applications e.g. for production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel.</p><p>We provide best practice advice and guidance throughout all phases of biogas and waste-to-X projects, from technical due diligence, conceptual and feasibility studies to detailed engineering and construction supervision and commissioning.</p><p>We invite you to join us at Ramboll to be part of our Biogas & Waste-to-X team, where we strive to deliver excellent projects to our clients worldwide. Are you keen on further developing your technical insight, engaging in business development and leading biogas and waste-to-X projects internationally? Then send us your application using our online tool.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Inviting bright minds</strong></p><p>Would you like to develop professionally in an international, open-minded, collegial and supportive atmosphere? Our goal is to create a sustainable future with exciting projects and to set new standards with our innovative approaches. Become part of a global company that has grown successfully since it was founded in 1945 to now more than 17,000 employees worldwide. Together, we develop sustainable solutions for societies, companies, and people worldwide.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Join our Biogas and Waste-to-X team</strong></p><p>Our Biogas and Waste-to-X team is recognized as the leading international consultant. We provide consulting engineering and design services in close collaboration with our waste-to-X colleagues in the Nordic countries, and internationally together with our local offices in fx. United Kingdom, US, Switzerland and Singapore - to combine global experience with local knowledge and presence. We represent a truly international and dynamic environment and undertake projects worldwide. We deliver projects within biogas, gasification, pyrolysis, fermentation, waste sorting and resource recovery, energy recovery from waste, carbon capture etc.</p><p>As our new senior engineer, you will be part of our team in Copenhagen (Ørestad office) with technical experts and project managers. You will participate in and lead feasibility and due diligence studies as well as design and implementation of both large complex and small-scale biogas and waste-to-X projects. Furthermore, you will engage in business development work within biogas and waste-to-X.</p><p>The position will offer you the opportunity to apply and further develop your engineering skills, while working on the projects supported by senior project managers and technical experts. Furthermore, you will join our competence team for anaerobic digestion which is a key forum for knowledge exchange and sharing of best practice.  </p><p> </p><p><strong>Your tasks and responsibilities:</strong></p><ul><li>To engage in business development work within biogas and waste-to-X. </li><li>To conduct feasibility studies, risk assessments, technology assessments, due diligences etc.</li><li>To prepare conceptual design, technical specifications for tender documents, tender evaluations as well as conduct design reviews and supervision during fabrication, erection and commissioning.</li><li>To solve complex and challenging technical or business issues for clients.</li><li>To proactively contribute to the work in our competence team for Anaerobic Digestion with knowledge sharing, collection of lessons learnt and development of best practices and tools. </li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Grow with us</strong></p><p>At Ramboll, we support you in your personal and professional development right from the start. In order to get started with us, you should meet the following requirements:</p><ul><li>Significant professional working experience within the anaerobic digestion/biogas sector.</li><li>Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients and contractors.</li><li>PhD, MSc or BSc within chemical, biological, energy, process or mechanical</li><li>Excellent spoken and written Danish (or another Scandinavian language) and English.</li><li>Interested in travelling to meetings and projects in Denmark and abroad.</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Welcome to our Energy Division</strong></p><p>Ramboll is the leading engineering, design and consultancy company and has more than 17,000 experts working across 35 countries applying their passion to deliver innovative solutions in markets as diverse as Buildings, Transport, Planning & Urban Design, Water, Environment & Health, Energy and Management Consulting. Our Energy from Waste & Carbon Capture division is part of Ramboll Energy. Ramboll Energy is at the forefront of addressing the green transition and offers a holistic approach to energy that supports the sector on the journey towards more sustainable solutions. We invite you to contribute to a sustainable future working in an open, collaborative and empowering culture.</p><p> </p><p><strong>How to apply</strong></p><p>Apply online via our application tool. Please upload a cover letter, your CV and all relevant documents, including education certificates, and let us know your earliest possible starting date. We look forward to receiving your application.</p><p>All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines.</p>

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Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Konsulent", og befinder sig i kategorien "Kommunikation, marketing, salg".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 1.12.2023, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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