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Vacancy Announcement
Dan Church Aid (DCA) DCA is a Danish Humanitarian and Development organization working to assist and empower people affected by poverty and disasters to live a life in dignity. In Ethiopia, DCA’s area of works includes humanitarian response, food security, Resilience building of vulnerable community members, and Gender and capacity building of civil society organizations.
Currently, DCA Ethiopia Office is looking for a competent Emergency FOOD SECURITY AND LIVELIHOODS COORDINATOR, the coordinator will contribute to the successful management and lead the implementation of DCA Ethiopia’s Food Security and Livelihood project.

Vacancy Number: DCA-Eth/VA-24/2021
Vacancy Date: September 15, 2021
Number Required: One
Type of Contract: One year with possibility of extension
Duty Station: Addis Ababa
Reporting to: Field Officers and community development facilitators
Expected Start Date: As soon as possible
Application Deadline: September 25, 2021
Salary: According to DCA national staff salary scale
Overall Job purpose:
The Emergency Food Security and Livelihood coordinator is responsible for coordinating, consolidating, and ensuring smooth implementation of FSL programmes through support to the FSL teams and ensuring adherence to DCA and donor guidelines and standards in Afar regional state. The FSL coordinator is in charge of building the capacity of the FSL team and DCA internal and external representation and coordination in Afar. The Emergency Food Security and Livelihood coordinator reports to Afar Field office coordinator.
She/ he is expected to actively engage on proposal /CN writing , humanitarian need assessment, strong representations, information sharing on humanitarian situations in the area, provide technical backstopping for DCA field officers, Community development facilitators and target beneficiaries; implementing partner agencies in matters related to response coordination; Ensure DCA’s humanitarian response operations are aligned, coordinated and harmonized with similar efforts of government and other humanitarian actors; ensure adherence to international humanitarian standards; maintenance of quality project delivery; and optimize efficiency in resource use; and generate timely and quality report.
The Emergency Food Security and Livelihood coordinator reports to Afar Field office coordinator.
  • Identify geographical areas of interest in the region according to humanitarian needs and vulnerable population context.
  • Analyse and report the humanitarian needs and provide clear and detailed recommendations for interventions.
  • Develop appropriate targeting criteria and mechanisms to ensure the needs of identified vulnerable groups are met.
  • In consultation with the rest of the team and partners, and in alignment to the project document, develop clear targeting criteria; and ensure the same is clearly communicated to target communities
  • Plan and implement food security and livelihood activities such as: Assessments and surveillance interventions, Cash based interventions, fresh food voucher interventions, Income Generating Activities interventions, research an innovative intervention to fight hunger.
  • Ensure technical guidance of programme implementation in the operational areas through regular field visits and according to donors requirements and DCA-in internal procedures and programme standards.
  • Organize joint monitoring and review sessions with relevant stakeholders; produce, document and disseminate learnings out of these joint monitoring and review;
  • Ensure monitoring of food security and livelihood projects in the region (field visit, regular programme monitoring, budget forecast, staff evaluation and planning, donors reports, monthly reports, etc.).
  • Actively participate on field BVA review which is conducted jointly with field office coordinator, field finance and admin officer regularly every month for all projects under his responsibilities.
  • Document and disseminate learnings, best practices, and human-interest stories.
  • Prepare and share humanitarian context situation reports on regular bases for field office and humanitarian team at country office as deemed as necessary
  • Ensure the preparation and writing of food security and livelihood proposals and donor reports (log frame, narrative, budget) together with the FSL team and in link with the support team.
  • Support the organisation and facilitation of training sessions for technical teams and assisted communities.
  • Supervise and evaluate the Food security and livelihoods programme officers, community development facilitators and subordinates.
  • Closely coordinate and collaborate with other technical departments (finance, logistics, HR, livelihood and humanitarian teams).
  • Liaising with local authorities, partner organizations, NGOs, UNHCR, ARRA and clusters at Afar level related issues related to food security and livelihood .
  • Periodically complete staff EDR for staff, assess staff capacity gaps and recommend capacity building interventions.
  • Assume other responsibilities as assigned to him by his immediate supervisor.

  • Ability to capitalise on past experience and information available within the organisation in order to become self-sufficient and autonomous quickly.
  • Ability to take initiative where appropriate to deal with difficulties encountered in daily work.

  • Ability to adapt or change priorities according to the changing situation within a mission or the organisation itself.
  • Ability to work within a fluid situation (changes within the team, location of programmes).
  • Ability to live and work within a team and respect the rules of collective living.

  • Motivation and commitment to humanitarian ideals.
  • Interest in involvement beyond the job assigned i.e. active involvement in the ethos of the organisation itself.
  • Ability to integrate into the local environment including awareness of political and economic aspects of the country.

  • Ability to conduct work in a professional and mature manner.
  • Ability to deal with relations with local authorities as a representative of Action Against Hunger.
  • Ability to manage local staff in a mature and impartial manner.

  • Masters degree /BSC. degree in agriculture, socio-economic, rural development, economics and other closely related field
  • Working knowledge in the refugee /IDPs or other acute emergency context highly required

  • Minimum of five years experience for MSC and 7 years for in the humanitarian context in relevant work experience essential.
  • Open, creative, experienced, mature, responsible, flexible, culturally sensitive, energetic, interested.
  • Knowledge of donors policies and guidelines specially BPRM.
  • Good stress management in tense and difficult environment.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 14.9.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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  • København
  • Fredag den 24. september 2021

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Statistik over udbudte jobs som øvrige i København

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Statistik over udbudte øvrige i København over tid

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Hvis du er på udkig efter et job i København, er det vigtigt, at du sætter dig grundigt ind i, hvordan jobmarkedet fungerer, og hvor i byen du vil arbejde og bo. Vi har samlet en guide med alle relevante oplysninger om København, så du kan få et samlet overblik. Læs mere om København i denne guide: København: Byen der byder på både drømmejob og spændende udfordringer