Chef, [xxxxx], Dalen, Norway

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Telemarkskanalen skipsselskap, Dalen, Norway, is looking for a chef.

Job description

We are looking for you who have experience from working independently in a smaller kitchen. You will be 1-3 chefs woring per day.

It is necessary that you are both structured and can handle the stress that comes with working alone on the less busy days.
We serve café food, pizza and à la carte for lunch and dinner.


• Experience from similar positions
• High work capacity
• You are a team player, but can handle a small kitchen alone
• Good collaboration skills and is solution-oriented
• Structured and responsibile
• A positive attitude
• Genuinely interested in creating the best guest experience
• very good level of English

Working hours

Average working hours of 7,5h per day

Place of work

Telemarkskanalen skipsselskap, Dalen, Telemark, Norway

Start date

from 18.04.2022 until 01.07.2022

End date

from 13.09.2022 until 12.10.2022

Opening dates for the different establishments

Lunde Slusekro: 28.04.2022
Dalen Bryggjekafé: 13.05.2022
MS Hanrik Ibsen: 18.05.2022

Contact person

Filip Åbom, +47 9701 2102, [email protected]

How to apply?

Send application and CV to [email protected]

Latest application date is 31.03.2022.

(from NAV EURES Norway)

Telemarkskanalen skipsselskap comprises of two casual dining restarurants; Lunde Slusekro and Dalen Bryggjekafè, and M/S Henrik Ibsen, a veteran diesel-powered cruise ship, anno 1907 with a full service restaurant.
Lunde Slusekro is a casual dining restaurant located at Lunde Locks, which is in the geographical center of the Telemark Canal. This is the most popular entry point of the canal system. Lunde Slusekro also also caters to the nearby amphibi theater, for larger events.
Dalen Bryggjekafé is a popular and busy summer casual restaurant with a big outdoor area on the docks overlooking beautiful lake Bandak, located at the end of the canal system.
Both restaurants have very dynamic operations, and they go from being restaurants for locals in the shoulder season to serving several hundred guests daily in the high season
M/S Henrik Ibsen is one of two original canal cruise ships bringing passengers Onboard MS Henrik Ibsen we serve an à la carte lunch, snacks and refreshments during the trip through the 18 locks bringing the passengers 72 meters above sea level.

Telemarkskanalen skipsselskap is owned and operated by Norwegian Hospitality Group.

More info about the company at

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Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Restaurationschef", og befinder sig i kategorien "Detail, Restauration og Hotel".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i Udlandet

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 15.12.2021, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
  • Restaurationschef
  • Udlandet
  • Torsdag den 31. marts 2022

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