Decarbonisation Standards Specialist

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København K


Dear applicant, I am Peter Skovly, Head of Decarbonisation Standards. We are today a team of 3 persons and due to increased focus on our area, we are expanding and are looking for a new curious and purpose driven colleague to join us in creating transparency for the exciting and innovative decarbonisation journey we have embarked on.

Maersk has recently launched the new vision of net-zero CO2 emissions by 2040, and ambitious 2030 reductions across the business – you are welcome to hear more about our vision from our CEO in the video here . Furthermore, the demand for climate action from customers, investors, and society is increasing, and environment friendly solutions are becoming an imperative to decarbonize supply chains; you will play a crucial role in enabling that.

What is “Decarbonisation Standards”?

“Decarbonisation Standards”, is the function that ensures Maersk uses the correct reporting standards and methods in our internal and external reporting of greenhouse gas emissions owing to our activities. The reporting landscape is constantly evolving and the need for transparency of our GHG footprint is now a key priority for the company. The reporting can be legislative requirements, it can be customer related, or it can be for investor purposes. We follow existing standards, but also engage with external groups where standards are evolved/developed. As the area is wide, the Decarbonisation Standards function is not alone with the task; we cooperate closely with the relevant parties and therefore have a wide group of internal and some external stakeholders as part of our daily work.

We are the team tracking improvements done towards decarbonisation as well as undertaking external disclosures in adherence to the standards we commit to. Internally, we provide guidance and knowledge to the wider organisation to translate the impact of climate related regulatory changes on Maersk, as well as ensuring consistent and credible analysis and data is available to assess the GHG impact of our activities.

What will your role be?

The role is new, and you will have the opportunity to influence and shape it. There will be project work (likely project management); some areas you will cover alone and in others you will need to work with other colleagues and experts. There will be plenty of opportunities and people to exchange knowledge and learn from. The work will be data heavy, and you should be comfortable working with large amounts of data. As the area is evolving, we expect you to be curious and stay updated on new developments.

I am specifically looking for a colleague to join my team where:

  • The role will be to support and develop the GHG standards area for our customers and the area of decarbonised transport solutions.
  • Improve the transparency for scope 3 data, to enable the wider A.P. Moller Maersk Group to drive down the emissions with the data and tools we provide.

What I hope you will bring!

First; I hope you will bring a positive mindset and a “can do” attitude. Work gets done a lot easier in a positive environment, so I hope you will take part in making it fun going to work. I don’t expect you know all from the start and I fully accept there will be a learning curve. But I do expect you are very familiar with the GHG protocol, and preferably have a background working within this field in the past. Data is key in this function, so you must have the skills to work with large data sets.

In Decarbonisation Standards, you will be exposed to all 3 main areas, Investor climate reporting, Compliance/regulatory reporting (ocean) and Customer reporting (E.G. logistics and Services), but you will likely primarily focus in one of the areas.

Your Background could be in economics, or Engineering. But most important is you have experience/training with GHG accounting and an interest in this area.

What I will bring!

I bring deep expertise from the maritime side, and what I don’t know myself, I have a broad network to get the knowledge from. I will do my best to make you succeed, as your success will be our shared win. I will help you the best I can with removing roadblocks you encounter in the work. I also promise that I will do my part in making it fun going to work.

Information og data

Denne ledige stilling har jobtypen "Øvrige", og befinder sig i kategorien "Øvrige stillinger".

Arbejdsstedet er beliggende i København K.

Jobbet er oprettet på vores service den 4.7.2022, men kan have været deaktiveret og genaktiveret igen.

Dagligt opdateret: Dette job opdateres dagligt ud fra jobudbyderens hjemmeside via vores søgemaskineteknologi og er aktivt lige nu.
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